The One Lovely Blog Award

Thanks to Betzeee for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award.  I am shocked and amazed.

The one Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for newer and Up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and also help the new blogger to reach more viewers. It also recognises blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow bloggers who choose them. This award recognises bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to connect with viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award the nominated blogger must follow several guidelines:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post.
  • Share 7 facts/things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers you admire and inform the nominees by commenting on their blog.

So, now to the assignment.  Here are seven facts about myself.

1.  I am the mother of two wonderful children, one of whom has given me a grandson, Logan, who (whom?) I adore

2.  I have lived in New York, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah.  But until I moved to Oregon I didn’t feel at home.

3.  I worked in the legal profession for over 40 years and know way too much about civil litigation.

4.  I am now retired and spend three days a week playing with my grandson.  What a deal!

5.  I love to travel, and have visited most of the states west of the Mississippi, and England, Ireland, Israel and Russia.  These trips are what adds the texture to my life.

6.  I love to make jewelry, and am learning to fuse glass.  Being left brained I tell myself this is because I need to balance out my tendencies to be thought centered.   Not sure if it’s working, but  have allowed myself to create imperfectly, which is a giant step for me.  If I enjoy doing something, I will do it whether the result is great art or kindergarten art for the fridge.
Team Dynamics Infographic: Left Brain vs Right Brain Infographic from Mindjet

7.   I should have gone to college at 18 and majored in English Lit and become an editor for one of the big houses, but I didn’t.  I fought my way into a career which I was good at but did not love.  I went to college on my own dime, starting at 40 years and ending at 55 years old with a decree in Liberal Studies.  I did this while working full time and raising two children.  It’s what I’m most proud of accomplishing.

I would like to nominate the following for the One Lovely Blog Award:

1.  Angie Does Until She Doesn’t

2.  Voices From the Margins

3.  Life is a Journey, who the HELL stole my map

4.  Wanderings of an Elusive Mind

5.  A Relent to Introspection

6.  Kate Murray

7.  Collecting Saints and Cirlces

8.  61 Musings


About keaneonlife

I will use this blog to reach out creatively, document the things I'm doing, what makes me happy, excited, hopeful, and maybe sometimes what makes me sad. I'll try not to bore you. I am a mother; a grandmother; a lover of my dog Aidan McCree; a glass fuser; jewelry maker; an aspiring content editor for independent authors; a retired paralegal; a soul who thinks she has something to say in writing; a volunteer for Portland Open Studios; a friend to just a few and an acquaintance of many.
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9 Responses to The One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Angie K says:

    This is an award I got nominated for twice last week, so we are partners in crime. 🙂 I haven’t done my duties yet, though – well done to you for doing so! I am a follower of your blog now, hope you’ll fine mine interesting enough to follow back!

  2. Carol says:

    I thank you for thinking of me for this award and will try to come up with my response after I return home.

  3. keaneonlife says:

    Angie K. Oops. You’re right. It was a different Angie.

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